Friday, July 17, 2009

Librazhd -> Elbasan

We waked up really early, as we were pretty close to the road and didn't want to get too visible, and cycled to Elbasan.

Arriving there before lunch, we left the bikes in a public park and some went to internet while we were waiting for Ahmed, our contact in the city.
Elbasan castle
When he arrived we talked about the local problems, Elbasan is the most polluted city in the Balkans, and program a small action, then we went to have lunch in a student cantine.
cutting flyersHomemade Boza
After a icecream, we got all together for the flyering action in the park, we prepared our bikes while drinking homemade Boza, a fermented corn drink traditional in Albania, and distributed some flyers, but the press that was suppose to come canceled at last moment and the action got a bit chaotic when we got surrounded by hundreds of kids (culture here is really different and curiosity is a really natural and accepted, funny, attitude)...
"Governments must help to eliminate cars so that bicycles can help to eliminate governments" :D
When we managed to escape all the kids we decided to sleep in the first park where we were that was quite quiet...Ondrej (check republic) join us in the night, and after dinner we could have a shower with a hose and run naked in the park by ;)

me and babsi stayed waked for long trying to fight the ants in our body and observing falling stars and satellites in the really beautiful and dark sky :)

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