In the morning we had Daka (our local coordinator for bosnia) giving us a workshop on Bosnia i Herzegovina history... the country is really new and full of divisions, after the war, a NATO contract, established 2 government structures within bosnia, Republika serbska, mostly orthodox christians, and Federation Bosnia i Herzegovina, catholics and muslims, with no borders, but mostly different institutions (school system, police, municipality, etc...)... all the country is still divided and i found it really hard to understand the solution NATO came with to finish this conflict...
Isabella, Benoit, Daniel, berenger, eva, Andreea, Nils, DakaAfter we cycled (mostly going down) to sarajevo, capital of bosnia (governed by both entities, republika serbska and federation) and a major attacked city during the war...

we had a hard trime trying to find a place to sleep (our planed place was canceled last minute) and we end up camping in a children park 10 minutes from the center ;)

Berenger left us for a week, Ebreu (Turkey) joined and zohran (from sarajevo) joined us for one day also...
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