In the morning me and Yo crossed (less than 10 km) the border to Bosnia i Herzegovina to meet andreea (italy) again, that had crossed the border last day...

last night camp, seen from bosnia sightThen we found Ivona rafting camp where we had a half resting day, Pipa (Crocia/England) and Daka (Bosnia) joined us here for lunch and will cycle with us...
Lunch on Ivona CampWe had a meditation workshop with Barkan (Israel) next to the clear waters of Tara (or drina??) river :D...

Late in the night Hugo (france) also joined the tour :D... we are now 21 cyclists (i think...lol..)
1 comment:
Hey Taborda,
I was traveling around Balcans from July 31st to 11th, and did almost the same path as you did (However on the opposite way - Pula, Croatia to Orhid, Macedonia).
Enjoy it... Montenegro is awesome!
If you can, go to Mostar in Bosnia and Krka National Park in Croatia.
I'm following your track on this blog. Keep posting =)
Felipe Avila da Costa aka Ziu
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