From there we continued in a small critical mass to las ramblas where other actions were taking place, we meet amparom, who we meet in the yoga class, that asked for help in a street performance, we went home for lunch and then we meet for a meeting to train the performance in La Carbonería.
When you skip you look for clean products, most of them are still wrapped on tons of plastic, others have skin that can be easily washed and pealed, i would never eat something already rotten, and only a dumb can not easily see and smell when that occurs, all my friends that dumpster food told they were never sick from that, probably even the contrary, as you are "obligated" to eat so many fruits :D...
just as an example these days i'm spending in barcelona i've already dumpster: pineapples, papayas, chirimoyas, bananas, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, oranges, grapes, kiwis, carrots, tomatos, potatoes, onions, lettuce, beans, some vegetables that i don't even know the name of, cookies, bread, juices, organic (!!!) croissants, yogurts, rice, olive oil, eggs, fresh pasta, tortellini, and other crap also as mayonese, bechamel and even beer!
most of the things were still inside the validity date or the date was finishing that day (and as you should know, those that in packages have always to be less than the truth), they were just thrown in the garbage, after beeing plantes, produced, packed, transported and shown in a shop because they were not sellable, because one in 10 tomatoes was rotten, or a can had a bump...
it's only logical to do it, and here in barcelona loads of people do it, it's a crazy social event, people talk a lot while waiting for the shop to close and exchange things they found ;) i've meet all kind of people doing it, young, old, students, punks, poor people...etc... all helping each other and talking about the waste produced every fucking day!
You can see the for more info and a movie from lily: Skipping waste
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