Sadly in the days in the
Valle not so many pictures.... maybe next time...
the SchoolWe woke up early and walked around in this part of the Valley... the Valle Degli Elfi it's a community, already 30 years old, that started as a hippie place... they try to be self sustainable as much as possible, be in symbiosis with nature, respecting their gifts and cycles... we were told that the valley it's pretty big (we just saw a small part of it) with houses spread along more than 30km...
a bread oven :D
(DIY) children play... pretty cool :DWe meet Pamela and Davide and their housemates (can't remember their names) and helped them, they were starting to build their own house (all the houses in the valley are build by the people there, and most of them follow the traditional way of building, in stone or wood... amazing houses we saw) their future house will be in wood, with the pavement in stone, we collected some stones to help david build an amazing wall :D...
free chickens around us, waiting for us to take out some stones, so they could find tasty insects (and lizards) below :p
looking for stones
building a new stable in the main house, and pamela and david's house
the house, build mainly by a couple, the materials are almost all (beside the ceiling and few cement) local!
the wall we were helping building for the new house ground (no cement!)We had lunch with them and after we meet their children who returned from school... in the valley they have a school just to children under 10, after that they go to public schools outside... the children were really nice and talkative (learning italian, english, french).. we played with them for a while and after, when it started rainning, we returned to the school and rest...
the school playground where we slept....
After we went out again to see a little more....
some of the communitarian fields...
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