Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cordova -> Aguilar de la Frontera -> Ruta del Aceite (Estación de Luque)

I follow the advice of José (from Sevilla) and catch the train for 60 km to do part of a new bicycle track called Ruta del Aceite. From Aguilar de la Frontera I cycled till Morilles and cycled in a nice old train line now "adapted" to bicycles... it start raining and there was a lot of mud!!!
My bicycle got stuck a lot and completely DIRTY (sometimes I couldn't even cycle because the mud just stopped the wheels from moving)... The weather got pretty bad and i found a old house to camp... I tried to lit a fire but it just last a while till it started raining a bit stronger and i had the coldest night till now :(...
Zoom to see the mud blocking my wheels :p

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